

1、我对父母的感激之情难以言表。Language is not enough to show thanks to my parents. 澳大利亚很希望参加亚运会,但是它不是亚洲成员。

2、He goes on and comes to a river.他继续往前赶路,来到一条河边。The river has become very big because of the rain in the past few days.河水很大,因为前几天老在下雨。He cannot cross the river.他没法过河。

3、and spent the last time together.仪式结束后,我们回到教室,一起度过最后的时光。We are reluctant to each other. I hope we can keep our relationship forever.我们彼此都不情愿。我希望我们能永远保持我们的关系。

4、第一段翻译:Exhibition letter Ann, busy to disturb you is really embarrassed.Now, I think I should be time to write a letter to you,I just know you hate me so much,。

5、Actually, English, as an international language in this world, changes quickly with the flowing time.或许你会问英语在一段时间里为什么会起变化呢?让我来告诉你理由。

6、他无权签订这份合同。He is not authorized to sign this contract.他起得很早且一向如此。He gets up early, and he always does.另一个候选人主要劣势是她的年龄问题。


他经常帮助我学习语文/中文。He often helps me with/learning Chinese.他经常帮助我做家庭作业。He often helps me with/doing my homework.我们必须帮助保护环境。

似乎他在聚会上玩得不开心。It seems that he enjoyed the party is not happy 天似乎要下雨了。it looks as if it is going to rain.她似乎相当着急。

我们停下来在一家 乡村小酒馆吃午饭。We stopped and had lunch at a village inn.(你)车开得这么快是危险的。It’s very dangerous for you to drive so fast.他解出这道数学题是不可能的。

约翰是这两个男孩子中较聪明的那一个。John is the smarter one out of these two boys.路西是双胞胎中较高的那一个。Lucy is the taller twin.妈妈是父母中较忙的那一个。

急!中译英——英语翻译高手速进!纯人工翻译! 他入党已经三年了。 It is three years since he joined the Party. 我们好长时间没见面了。

急!寻英语翻译高手中译英3句话——纯人工 目前很多学校对学生发型要求很严格,有的学校要求学生统一留短头发,不遵守发型规定的学生甚至不允许上课。


xueci.cn提供翻译 hit可以指精神上或感情上的“打击”。hit at表示“击”而不一定“击中”。n.(名词)hit用作动词的意思是“击,打”,作名词时,指用手或持物打人的“一击”。引申可指用恶毒的语言“讽刺,抨击”。

hit 英[ht]美[ht]v. (用手或器具)击,打;碰撞;撞击(造成损伤);使(身体部位)碰上(某物)。n.打;击;命中;击中;很受欢迎的人(或事物)。

hit英[ht]美[ht],v.打; (用手或器具)击; 碰撞; 撞击(造成损伤); 使(身体部位)碰上(某物);n.打; 击中; 命中; 很受欢迎的人(或事物)。


strike, beat, hit, knock都有“敲;打”的意思。

hit, beat, knock,strike 都有“敲;打”的意思。

beat是击打的意思,你反复说beat it ,beat it!脑海中出现一帮人起哄,怂恿要某人打另一个人的 画面。2,hit是碰撞,自己不小心撞到头了,ok?3,strike一般多用词组,be on strike 意思是罢工。也有殴打的意思。